
Interested in Blogging?

I’m always looking for interesting new content for art teachers by art teachers.  If blogging is something you’d be interested in, please get in touch.  You don’t have to be teaching in the UK (although you might be); The Arty Teacher has a global audience and I’d be excited to read about your experience in other countries too.  You would get paid but it is only a nominal amount. Just email me and I’ll send you the rates. So what skills do you need?

  • You need to be an art teacher.  Newly qualified or experienced.
  • You may have experience as a writer but this is not essential.
  • An excellent command of the English language.  I’m looking for something that I can cut and paste and press ‘publish’.  I’m not wanting to spend my time correcting your grammar and punctuation.
  • It is good to research a topic but not to plagiarise.  I put all externally provided content through an online plagiarism checker.
  • You need to provide me with an invoice to get paid.  I’m happy to send you a blank.

You may have ideas of your own about what you can write about or you may be inspired by the list below.

  • Anything to do with teaching online. How to use google classroom, how to engage learners online, 5 games to start an online art lesson, how to run a plenary online etc
  • Strategies for Behaviour Management at the end of the School Day.  Does behaviour deteriorate?  Do you change what you teach?  What strategies? What art room specific strategies?
  • The Do’s & Don’ts Of Analysing An Artwork.
  • How to Network as a Lone Art Teacher (social media, websites, local network groups, how to reach out, hosting a network event)
  • How to Prepare a Sub Folder
  • How to get started with clay (or batik or collagraphs, contour drawings, charcoal or anther media you like)
  • A step by step guide to… (lino printing, monoprinting, a watercolour beetle, a pinch pot)
  • 10 Tips to Keep a Tidy Artroom
  • 10 Tips to Manage Clearing Up
  • How to Foster a Growth Mindset in the Art Classroom
  • 10 things you wish you knew when you started teaching art

I’d love to hear your ideas too.

Sarah info@theartyteacher.com