I saw these humorous ‘art teacher scribble people’ on Instagram posted by art teacher Karen Nall. She kindly said I could share these images with you and that these scribble people were not her idea. She told me:
“We read the book ‘I Am Not Just a Scribble‘ by Diane Alber. The students were then allowed to create their own scribble. Then, they selected stickers of their choice to create a face (stickers can be found on Amazon by searching scribble sticker faces) and added arms and legs using a Sharpie marker. We looked at each picture once they were completed and had a great discussion about expressions and how each scribble showed a different expression.”
Why not create your own art teacher scribble people?
Get it on Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk
Why not Pin these on Pinterest?
Get it on Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk
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