
Keeping Clay Projects Workable

By Jenna Cleary - January 11, 2025

One of the most challenging parts of working with clay is needing a controlled environment to keep projects workable.  In a classroom setting, this is not always possible. One long weekend, a project not wrapped properly, or a hole in the plastic can easily result in a project being too dry to work on.  Having to start over can be both frustrating and disappointing for students.  

There are two very simple ways to keep ongoing projects workable.  The best possible solution would be a damp box.  A damp box is a large plastic container with a secure lid with a plaster layer at the bottom.  The plaster holds the moisture and can keep a project workable for months. Pottery plaster is easily purchased and is usually available through any ceramic art supplier or see amazon.co.uk or amazon.com. Following the plaster directions, you must mix the correct ratio of plaster to water.  When the plaster reaches a milkshake consistency, pour the mixture into the desired container.  Allow the plaster to fully harden, dampen the cured plaster with a wet sponge, and you are good to go!  You do not need to wrap the project in plastic.  Place the project in the container and make sure the lid is securely on.  Students can be part of this process by creating multiple damp boxes. This is also a great project for the Art club or Advanced students.

If this method is not feasible for your classroom, ensure students generously spray the project and wrap it tightly in plastic (especially over a weekend or extended break). Placing plastic on the working board but under the project’s base can also help retain moisture.  Any part of the project that you are concerned about drying too much can be wrapped in wet paper towels before wrapping with plastic.  (i.e., rim) A student can also place a small sponge in a small bowl of water next to the project that is wrapped in plastic.  This creates a greenhouse effect that will also help to hold the moisture.  

When possible, allow students to be part of the process so they can fully understand the limitations of clay.  One of the most critical aspects of clay is understanding the stages of clay and the best time to complete specific steps of the project.  

If you have enjoyed this post on keeping clay projects workable, why not sign up for the weekly newsletter from The Arty Teacher to hear about future blog posts. You’ll be able to download 3 of the free art lessons from this website too.

Pottery Plaster - United States of America
  • Artists' choice for Ceramics, Pottery, Dinnerware, Fine China and for Large Scale Projects
  • Easy to work with, Smooth Texture, holds Fine Detail with ease
  • High Strength and Break Resistance makes No. 1 Pottery Plaster the ideal choice for ceramic projects.
  • Popular in Schools and Educational Institutions
  • Recommended mix ratio is: 70 parts water to 100 parts plaster by weight
Pottery Plaster United Kingdom
  • Working properties are perfectly suited for moulds and castings
  • Excellent batch to batch consistency.
  • Ships in a re-sealable plastic label with label / instructions
  • Shelf life minimum of 3-6 months depending on the packaging - see description
  • Note - The date printed on the side of a 25kg sack is the date of manufacture

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Jenna Cleary

Jenna Cleary is a ceramic artist, art educator, and advocate for ceramic education. She works with schools and art organizations in the United States to create workshops and large scale mosaics. She enjoys working alongside art educators, offering educational support, and inspiring young artists.

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