
The Arty Teacher

About Me

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Sarah Crowther – The Arty Teacher

Sarah Crowther
Sarah Crowther – The Arty Teacher

I set up The Arty Teacher because I have a passion for my subject that I want to share with other art teachers around the world.

I have been a high school art teacher for over 20 years, so I understand what it’s like to be in front of a class of students, often with very different abilities and attitudes.

I wanted to develop resources that would help teachers to bring out the best in every student in every class.  I also wanted to free-up staff from time-consuming lesson preparation to let them focus instead on delivering exciting, motivating, dynamic lessons, supported by excellent resources.

A Global Community

I love sharing my experiences just as I love listening to other teachers’ ideas.  I create new resources every week and continually ask myself what would make The Arty Teacher website better for art teachers.

This, and responding to art teacher feedback, has helped The Arty Teacher go from strength to strength – it really is a global community, and I am proud to have put hundreds of new ideas and resources at art teachers’ fingertips and through them inspiring a love of art in students around the world.


I have been part of a team that achieved Specialist Art School status. I have been a guest lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University, talking to their trainee teachers on the use of iPads and eBooks in the Art Room.

I’m also a member of the National Society for Education in Art and Design (NSEAD), which protects and promotes art, craft and design education as well as championing and representing the professional interests of those engaged in it.

I am also an artist and try to create time to pursue my own interest in drawing, printing, book binding and collage.  I have exhibited regionally and was lucky enough to have a book I bound and exhibited in my Master of Art graduating exhibition bought by The Tate library.

Support from Leading Artists 

Creating The Arty Teacher website has allowed me to work with high profile artists such as Cristina Troufa, Sarah Graham and Cas Holmes.  These established artists have been willing to help art teachers by sharing their work in the form of downloadable presentations to be used in the art classroom.

This has been hugely exciting for me personally and great for The Arty Teacher community, as art teachers everywhere can access up-to-date presentations on exciting artists.

The Arty Teacher Blog

The Arty Teacher blog attracts thousands of art teachers every month.  Posts are written by me and a growing team of experienced art teachers, who want to blog about issues that affect their colleagues around the globe.

If you are interested in becoming a guest blogger, please get in touch, I’d love to hear from you.

Subscribing to The Arty Teacher

Register on The Arty Teacher and download three free resources a month, choosing from a selection marked Free on the website

Subscribe to The Arty Teacher and download ten premium resources every month.  Art teachers from the UK, America, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the EU have taken advantage of being able to find exciting resources and fresh ideas whenever they need to.

What Other Teachers Say about The Arty Teacher

When asked why they subscribe, art teachers have replied that they love the high-quality inspiring ideas, the sense of community, the time it saves them and they describe the substitute/cover lessons as being absolute life savers!

Please scroll down for more testimonials.

What Will You Find Here?


Lesson plans, activities, units of work, worksheets, assessment and marking resources, all available at the touch of a button. Try searching ‘early finishers’ or ‘exit tickets’ or ‘mark making’. All the resources are well tagged to make them easy to find.

Cover/Sub Lessons

Never panic again. Just download the resource you need, all of which include a beautifully presented lesson plan.

Image Library

Hundreds of images, all ideal for drawing, painting, 3D and textile projects.

If you know your students can’t or won’t take photographs, this is a great place to bump-start a project.

Artist Presentations

Presentations on individual and themed artists. Each one comes with a script that turns you into an instant expert.


“Being a one-person department, it is a vital source of support and as a tiny proportion of my art budget is money well spent and extremely good value.” Vanessa, West Sussex


“Your amazing website and resources are a massive help!  They have saved me so much time when planning.” Louse, Head of Art.


“I just wanted to stop by and say you’re awesome.  I love the resources you’re sharing, the community and connections you’re building, and all the great things you’re doing for the Art Education world!  Keep up the great work and I appreciate what you do.”  Katherine, Texas.



Latest Resourses


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