
Amsterdam Building Sculpture

By The Arty Teacher - May 1, 2020

To complete this Amsterdam Building Sculpture you need a pencil, pen and ruler. (Although you won’t be using the ruler very much!)  You will also need pictures of Amsterdam architecture, although your teacher may have provided you with the examples below.

Watch the video and follow it step by step to create a fantastic Amsterdam buildings sculpture. Check out the good example below for more inspiration.

If you are an art teacher, click the image below to access these resources:

Amsterdam Architecture art

Look at this amazing example by art teacher Rachel Jones who works in Cardiff in the UK.  She told me “I had actually saved some boxes… toothpaste, soap and was planning on drawing buildings on them (recycling as lots of our students won’t even have paper at home). I was originally planning some sort of skyline, then I saw your demo with the Amsterdam buildings and made it local instead!” What a great idea.

This Amsterdam Building Sculpture project is one of the many home learning resources on The Arty Teacher.  Click the image below to learn more.

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The Arty Teacher

Sarah Crowther is The Arty Teacher. She is a high school art teacher in the North West of England. She strives to share her enthusiasm for art by providing art teachers around the globe with high-quality resources and by sharing her expertise through this blog.

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8 responses to “Amsterdam Building Sculpture”

  1. Marisa D'Ulisse says:

    Amazing!!!! Thank you for this incredible lesson

  2. Natasha Raibon says:

    Such an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I’m a new subscriber and this is fantastic!!!!!

    Thank you so much for putting this together, I’m doing perspective with year 6 and I am going to make one of these with them!!

  4. Karen Jackson says:

    Thank you ……fun & inspiring!

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