What are Art Extension Tasks?

By The Arty Teacher - May 16, 2023

An extension task is an additional activity or project provided to students who have completed the primary task or project. The extension task allows students to explore the concepts and skills learned in the lesson more deeply or practice them more thoroughly. It extends learning.

It is not a random task given to them simply to keep them busy.

Short or Long?

It may be that the extension task you offer has to be short and sweet. You may wish to keep the student actively engaged for a short period whilst the rest of the class finishes the main task. Then the class can all move on together to the next task or project.

You may have a student who is hungry for more, so the extension task could be longer. You might provide some sort of reward/incentive if they finish it in their own time.

Choice and Variety

If possible, I like to provide a choice of extension tasks. Different students enjoy different things. It’s fairly easy to provide a variety of drawing, digital or research-based tasks. Here are some ideas.

  • Research projects: Students can be given a research project related to the art lesson topic. For example, if they have been studying portraiture and have already researched a particular artist(s), they could research an additional artist and create a PowerPoint or a research page in their sketchbook.
  • Drawing. Be organised with a variety of drawing tasks. There are some great resources below and hopefully, some of them link to your existing projects.
  • If your students have access to Apps, either through school devices or their own, you can give them the choice of drawing something digital that links to your current project.

I think it helps to consistently give the message that if something is started, it needs to be finished. There could be a reward for finishing extra tasks such as points or something that fits in with your whole-school reward system.

Overall, extension tasks allow students to deepen their understanding of the lesson content and extend skills. Being prepared with a variety of options will certainly make your lessons easier.

Popular Art Extension Tasks Available on this Website

There are many, many extension tasks on this website that will fit in with your schemes of work and extend your student’s learning.

Grid Drawings of Animals
Mini Animal Grid Drawings
Portrait extension tasks
Portrait Extension Tasks
art extension tasks
Extension Drawing Tasks
8 Mini Grid Drawings
Mini Grid Drawings of Converse
early finishers
60 Art Extension Tasks for Younger Students
Art Extension Task
Mini Grid Drawings of Eyes

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The Arty Teacher

Sarah Crowther is The Arty Teacher. She is a high school art teacher in the North West of England. She strives to share her enthusiasm for art by providing art teachers around the globe with high-quality resources and by sharing her expertise through this blog.

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