10 Resources a Month


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Can you imagine being able to download up to 10 resources a month?  Every month!  What a wonderful bank of resources you would build up.  New ideas would always be at your fingertips.  Every time you logged on you could choose from all that you can see.  Need a new starter or bellringer – no problem!  Need a sub lesson?  Help yourself!  What amazing value!

With this subscription, you can download any of the individual resources from all areas of the site.  From ‘Resources’, ‘Image Banks’, ‘Artist Presentations’ and ‘Sub/Cover lessons’. These would be for your own personal use and you can use them for all of your career as an art teacher.

This subscription is a single-user license for one teacher.  If you are a department with lots of teachers, check out my school subscription.

This amazing value subscription gives you:

  • The freedom to download up to 10 resources a month.  Your subscription renews each month on the date you bought it.
  • The opportunity to also download 3 free resources on top of your 10 priced resources if you also have the free subscription.
  • Unlimited access to the Art Venn Diagram Maker where you can create and edit art venn diagrams.
  • Access to all your historic downloads for as long as you remain a subscriber.

You can also pay annually which gives you the best value.

Professional development online training is not currently included in subscriptions.

The Arty Teacher

Sarah Crowther is The Arty Teacher. She is a high school art teacher in the North West of England. She strives to share her enthusiasm for art by providing art teachers around the globe with high-quality resources and by sharing her expertise through this blog.

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  • A pocket full of helps

    I am on summer break and trying to find useful resources for the coming school year. You have been most helpful in helping me acquire fun projects to get them down to art work!

    409 of 813 people found this review helpful.

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  • Trust me, these are fabulous lessons

    Sarah’s lessons are engaging original, students love them. She is only an email away with an 'I am here for you attitude'. Don’t hesitate, these are the lessons you have always looked for and the “coach” who will be by your side because she cares. Thank you Sarah.

    425 of 842 people found this review helpful.

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    • Thanks for this lovely review Ingrid. I’m delighted that your students loved the lessons.

      407 of 820 people found this review helpful.

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  • 10 a month-Great investment

    Worth the monthly investment! I had my first 10 resources picked out within 5 minutes. The resources are fantastic and I am already using several in my AP and IB Art classes. There are definite resources that can be used for Advanced Art classes. My only wish would be to have a way to pay a subscription and get more than the 10 a month. I have my next 10 waiting for next month.

    442 of 864 people found this review helpful.

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    • Thank you for taking the time to leave this fab review. I’ll talk to my developer to see if there is a way for subscribers to download extra when they need to. I’m glad to hear you want more!

      437 of 870 people found this review helpful.

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  • Fabulous website and resources!

    I am a primary school teacher (upper primary) and definitely not an arty teacher. However, the resources inspire me to want to become one. The pupils in my class love the resources. Today we painted autumn leaves and the pupils were so excited and enthused by the activity. Their results were amazing. Last week, we did the ‘optical triangles’ lesson, linking it to our 3D shape work, and the results and the enthusiasm of the pupils was fabulous. I used other activities in Lockdown, and all with fabulous success. Pupils loved drawing biscuits and I was astonished with the results. I find the resources, like the website, are of a high standard. The lesson plans are easy to follow, and they make me feel confident to deliver the lessons. I love the examples of the work that are provided. They are so useful for non-specialists like me.

    436 of 863 people found this review helpful.

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    • Hi Katrina, This is such a lovely review. Thank you. Sarah

      Thank you for your feedback.

      456 of 894 people found this review helpful.

  • Monthly Subscription

    I am an art teacher with a fairly broad age group to teach of aged 4-13. I have been inspired by The Arty Teacher resources to have a ‘shake up’ in my department, to create some new units of work and to take a fresh look at assessment in art through using The Arty Teacher resources. The artist index is also excellent. I am finding that the time-consuming research side of creating new topics has been done for me here and I can develop and tailor the resources found to create exciting new projects and starting points for the children.

    447 of 902 people found this review helpful.

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    • Thanks for your feedback. I’m glad you’re inspired and that I’m saving you time.

      474 of 923 people found this review helpful.

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  • Awesome resources for the visual art classroom!!

    I teach high school visual art to about 30 – 35 ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade students 6 times a day. I use the resources I have downloaded as bell ringers or as a spring board for new units in my classroom. My students grasp the concepts and enjoy the work.

    441 of 891 people found this review helpful.

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    • Thank you for your positive review. I’m glad you are finding the resources useful.

      458 of 932 people found this review helpful.

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  • You must log in and be a buyer of this download to submit a review.

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    Art Teacher Website

    Sarah Crowther – The Arty Teacher

    I set up The Arty Teacher because I have a passion for my subject that I want to share with other art teachers around the world.

    I have been a high school art teacher for over 20 years, so I understand what it’s like to be in front of a class of students, often with very different abilities and attitudes.

    I wanted to develop resources that would help teachers to bring out the best in every student in every class. I also wanted to free-up staff from time-consuming lesson preparation to let them focus instead on delivering exciting, motivating, dynamic lessons, supported by excellent resources.

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