Analysing an Artwork – Arcimboldo


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Analysing an artwork is a key skill for students. Teach your students how to analyse an artwork using this one-page worksheet.  It uses Blooms Taxonomy to create higher-order thinking questions that cover describing, understanding, analysing, evaluating and creating.

There are two versions of this resource, one with the word analyze & color and one with analyse and colour.  There is also an A4 colour picture of the artwork so you can put a few on desks and then print the worksheet in black and white to save on printing costs.  You can print this resource A4 or A3 depending on how much you want them to write.  To accommodate really able students I tell the class they can continue on the back should they wish to do so.

Choose to guide your students through this worksheet or use it as a test to see what they can achieve independently.

There are more ‘analysing an artwork’ resources on The Arty Teacher.

For your own Professional Development, learn more about this painting here.

The Arty Teacher

Sarah Crowther is The Arty Teacher. She is a high school art teacher in the North West of England. She strives to share her enthusiasm for art by providing art teachers around the globe with high-quality resources and by sharing her expertise through this blog.

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  • Suggestion

    Dear Sarah,
    Thank you for the worksheets. As a good educator you would probably caution against set-in-stone memorandums. I am therefore suggesting with caution if you could possibly include some kind of personal response/notes/ideas to the questions. Part of the fun of appreciating art is to hear about the divers ways in which an artwork can be interpreted and experienced. I am therefore fully aware how important it is for questions and memorandums to be “open ended and open-to-interpretation”.

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    • Hi Kobie, Thanks for this review. I think your suggestion is great and I’m going to update my analysis worksheets going forward.

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    Sarah Crowther – The Arty Teacher

    I set up The Arty Teacher because I have a passion for my subject that I want to share with other art teachers around the world.

    I have been a high school art teacher for over 20 years, so I understand what it’s like to be in front of a class of students, often with very different abilities and attitudes.

    I wanted to develop resources that would help teachers to bring out the best in every student in every class. I also wanted to free-up staff from time-consuming lesson preparation to let them focus instead on delivering exciting, motivating, dynamic lessons, supported by excellent resources.

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