Painting and Drawing insects is a big unit of work that has been written for older students (perhaps age 14/15) who are embarking on an independent course of study. Ideal for Year 10 GCSE in the UK or choice based courses where students need some structure but then become more independent. Made for students working in sketchbooks and designed to take at least half a year of lessons to complete. It is very adaptable as you could spend longer or shorter period of time on different stages e.g. drawing, painting, development, etc. This download includes:
Painting and Drawing Insects is just one of many units of work on The Arty Teacher.
I am a year 4 teacher and non-specialist at art. This was just what I was looking for. I adapted it to suit our needs but the children got so much from the ideas and resources. Really recommend.
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Hi Sarah, Thank you for this excellent review. I’m intrigued to read that you used this with Year 4 as it was designed for Year 10!!! Delighted that your students got so much from the ideas and resources.
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I set up The Arty Teacher because I have a passion for my subject that I want to share with other art teachers around the world.
I have been a high school art teacher for over 20 years, so I understand what it’s like to be in front of a class of students, often with very different abilities and attitudes.
I wanted to develop resources that would help teachers to bring out the best in every student in every class. I also wanted to free-up staff from time-consuming lesson preparation to let them focus instead on delivering exciting, motivating, dynamic lessons, supported by excellent resources.