Mixed Media Fish


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Mixed Media Fish

This exciting ‘mixed media fish’ art lesson shows students how different media can be combined to create a creative and artistic result.  The first stage asks students to create a carbon paper transfer, making this a lesson that students of all abilities can find success with.  It’s also ideal if you want your students to explore working on different surfaces.   This download includes:

  • A 6-slide PowerPoint (pictured above).  This shows each step to support your students.
  • A detailed lesson plan full of helpful tips.
  • 9 high-resolution fish images, pictured below.

Materials required: Cardboard, carbon paper, black Quink Ink and white acrylic.

These fish are included in the download.

The Arty Teacher

Sarah Crowther is The Arty Teacher. She is a high school art teacher in the North West of England. She strives to share her enthusiasm for art by providing art teachers around the globe with high-quality resources and by sharing her expertise through this blog.

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  • My class really liked this project!

    There was a bit of hesitation when the students first began this project. But gradually, the fish began to take shape. As each of them began to add layers of detail, the fish came alive and all were so unique. It was fun watching them experiment with the ink and see all of the nice effects they could achieve.

    I had my students just draw the fish freehand, as we did not have carbon paper onhand. I have many strong illustrators in my class and I felt confident they could draw something they would be proud of.

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    • Hi April, I glad to read that this was a success for your students and that they managed to each create something unique. Fantastic!

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  • Loved this lesson!

    My students found this lesson very engaging. I used the lesson to help teach value. We didn’t have access to carbon paper so I got the kids to use a soft pencil to colour the other side of the fish picture. They traced the fish onto the brown paper.


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    • Hi Kate, Thank you for this review. So pleased to hear that your students were engaged. Also interested to hear that you found an alternative to carbon paper!

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  • Great resource!

    Really inspiring resource. Easily adaptable for differing ages and levels of ability and great scope for extra creativity.

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    • Hi Penni, Thank you for this great review. I’d love to see the work your students create!

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    Art Teacher Website

    Sarah Crowther – The Arty Teacher

    I set up The Arty Teacher because I have a passion for my subject that I want to share with other art teachers around the world.

    I have been a high school art teacher for over 20 years, so I understand what it’s like to be in front of a class of students, often with very different abilities and attitudes.

    I wanted to develop resources that would help teachers to bring out the best in every student in every class. I also wanted to free-up staff from time-consuming lesson preparation to let them focus instead on delivering exciting, motivating, dynamic lessons, supported by excellent resources.

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