Textured Pinch Pots – Ceramic Project


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Textured Pinch Pots

This Textured Pinch Pots project was made in collaboration with clay expert Jenna Cleary. Ideal for the inexperienced ceramicist teacher, this project is packed with advice and guides you through creating textured pinch pots and shows a variety of ways to glaze or paint them. During this project, students will:

  • Research an artist who makes textured ceramics using an imprint method*.
  • Create a range of designs for their pinch pots)
  • Experiment with making marks in clay using a variety of tools.
  • Make pinch pots. The project suggests making 3 small pinch pots but you could choose 1 or any number!
  • Learn 4 different way to paint/glaze the pinch pot.
  • Learn a range of ceramic vocabulary.

*No artist images are included in this download as the work is under copyright.

Included in this download:

  • A 5-page written unit of work with 10 stages that include: Introduction, artist research, design ideas, texture exploration, making a pinch pot, making and attaching legs, first firing, surface decoration – glazes and alternatives, second firing, assessment.
  • A 14-slide PowerPoint that illustrates and guides students through the project.
  • A ‘Design Handout’ which has been made to help students create a variety for design for their pinch pots.
  • An assessment rubric.

Materials required: Clay, clay tools, sponges, glaze, underglaze, acrylic, oil pastels, ink, watercolour. Items to make texture such as letter stamps, screws, paper clips, etc.

There are more ceramics downloads available on The Arty Teacher website.

The Arty Teacher

Sarah Crowther is The Arty Teacher. She is a high school art teacher in the North West of England. She strives to share her enthusiasm for art by providing art teachers around the globe with high-quality resources and by sharing her expertise through this blog.

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Sarah Crowther – The Arty Teacher

I set up The Arty Teacher because I have a passion for my subject that I want to share with other art teachers around the world.

I have been a high school art teacher for over 20 years, so I understand what it’s like to be in front of a class of students, often with very different abilities and attitudes.

I wanted to develop resources that would help teachers to bring out the best in every student in every class. I also wanted to free-up staff from time-consuming lesson preparation to let them focus instead on delivering exciting, motivating, dynamic lessons, supported by excellent resources.

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