A useful list of words used when lino printing. If you’re curious about lino printing, you’ll love my How to Teach Lino Printing online professional development. Subscribe to the free […]
How to Teach Lino Printing is an introductory course for this exciting print process. It is ideal for a new teacher, those who have not taught lino printing before or […]
A 1-page zendoodle handout to inspire your students with their pattern work. There are many zentangle art lessons on The Arty Teacher website.
Pattern is one of the principles of design and it’s great to include some pattern work in your curriculum. During this patterned landscapes project, students will create their own composition […]
During this Valentine mosaic heart task, students watercolour a heart and then add collage using either old magazines or the collage paper provided in this resource. Included in this download: […]
I bet you know some students who will love these! 10 ‘complete the missing half’ symmetrical aliens. These are great for encouraging engagement in drawing where detail and a range […]
These 50 art critique cards are written so they can be used to analyse any artwork. I designed these to stimulate discussion, but I can also see that they could […]
This Textured Pinch Pots project was made in collaboration with clay expert Jenna Cleary. Ideal for the inexperienced ceramicist teacher, this project is packed with advice and guides you through […]
How do you debate the value of art with students? Why is one painting worth millions and another only a few hundred pounds? What different factors influence price? What is […]