If you teach ceramics these clay information sheets are a must-have art resource. There are two versions – one with images of coil pots, and one with slab-build pots. Both […]
This worksheet is a great way to introduce or consolidate Harmonious Colors and can be used as a lesson or sub lesson. You will receive two versions of this resource with […]
This excellent drawing cookies sub lesson will be great to have at your fingertips. The high-resolution images include lots of detail to challenge your students, and let’s face it – […]
A resource that you will use again and again to help your students annotate their work. It includes sentence starters, keywords and a good example. Great for embedding literacy in […]
A super useful resource to support students when they annotate an artists work. It includes sentence starters, keywords and a good example. Great for embedding literacy in your art lessons. […]
A super-useful list of quality art homework ideas that don’t need marking! Register on The Arty Teacher to access 3 free resources a month or to buy individual resources – or […]
A step-by-step guide to painting a fish on a pebble with acrylic. This visually appealing resource breaks down the process into easy to follow steps. This encourages your students to […]
A pattern based lesson where students have to divide the squares into smaller squares and then colour neatly. Why not subscribe to The Arty Teacher and always have sub lessons […]
This GCSE Personal Tutorial document is ideal for one-to-one tutorials. It allows you to assess the students progress against the assessment objectives. You can either use the boxes to write […]