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List of Artists – Sweets and Cakes

A list of artists who feature sweets and cakes in their work. When you have the free subscription, you can download 3 of my free resources every month.

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Sweets and Cakes Unit of Work

This complete Sweets and Cakes Unit of Work asks students to research and develop ideas around the theme of cakes and sweets.  Students look at the artist Sarah Graham plus […]

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Cats Image Bank

Cats Image Bank Today, 8th August, is International Cat Day and to celebrate this feline phenomenon, I am making this 27-slide PowerPoint of images free for today only.  Get it […]

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Mixed Media Fish

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This exciting ‘mixed media fish’ art lesson shows students how different media can be combined to create a creative and artistic result.  The first stage asks students to create a […]

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List of World Famous Galleries and Museums

This download is simply a list of world-famous galleries and museums.  How many have you been to?  I love checking them off!  Going to art galleries is wonderful professional development. […]

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Tonal Value Scale Bookmark – Great Starter Activity

This is a simple but very effective starter activity where students create a tonal value scale and add the definition for the word tone or value to a bookmark.  As […]

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Elements and Principles Bookmark

With this ‘Elements and Principles Bookmark’, students cut out two sides of the bookmark on the grey line and stick them together to create a double-sided bookmark.  We all know […]

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Cézanne Venn Diagram

Cézanne Art Analysis Venn Diagram.  This Art Venn diagram includes Art, Maths & Literacy! It’s not always easy to introduce maths and literacy into an art lesson but by using […]

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Analysing an Artwork by Paul Cézanne

Analysing an Artwork by Paul Cézanne Being able to analyse an artwork is a key skill for students.  This resource uses questioning to assess your student’s ability to describe, assume, […]

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