

One part of running The Arty Teacher website that I really enjoy is being able to help early careers teachers. (ECTs) I have responded to emails that I have received from ECT’s directly and also to pleas for help that I’ve seen on social media.  For example, one of my most popular blog posts ‘Behaviour Management in the Art Classroom’ was born from helping an individual.

Are you going to be an ECT in September? Would you like a free subscription to The Arty Teacher?

If you are starting your first year of teaching art in September and would like a free subscription to The Arty Teacher, please read on and get in touch. You can read more about a subscription to The Arty Teacher.

What do I want in return?

I would simply like you to write 3 blog posts over the course of the year.  Perhaps the first one could be after the first month.  The second at Christmas and one towards the end of the year.  You could write about your trials and tribulations, and your successes and triumphs.  The posts could be pedagogical, or about school dynamics and politics, or successful work.  It could be about how you helped an individual succeed. Who knows what you will find inspiring as your first year unfolds?  It is my hope that your blog posts will help other ECTs.

You do need to feel confident with your writing and SPAG!


If this appeals to you, please write and let me know why you would be the ideal candidate for this opportunity.  I would also like to know what sort of school you are starting at in September, what you’re looking forward to and what your area of expertise is, e.g. fine art, photography, ceramics etc.  I’m going to push this opportunity out on social media and last year I got a lot of responses.

You can contact me at: info@theartyteacher.com

The deadline is the 19th of August 2022. I really look forward to hearing from you.


The Arty Teacher Sarah Crowther