
Sketchbook Circle 2

By The Arty Teacher - May 9, 2021

For those of you who regularly read my blog, you’ll know I’m taking part in sketchbook circle this year.  You can see my first post about this here and read more about what Sketchbook Circle is at the bottom of this post.

One of the lovely aspects of taking part in an initiative like this is when a sketchbook drops through your letterbox at the end of each month.  I received the sketchbook from my buddy this month and was really excited by her use of circles.  She had filled a page with circles and cut away some circles and added a thin layer of tissue paper over the gap.  I wanted to see what I could do with circles too!

I have also been lucky to be sent some swag from the pen company Staedtler.  One of the advantages to being The Arty Teacher I guess!  They sent me a set of beautiful metallic brush pens, a set of drawing pencil and a set of fine liners which I use to create the pages below.

I started by drawing some circles across a double page from bottom left to top right of the pages.

Sketchbook page with circles

I cut away the circles on the right-hand page.

sketchbook circles cut away

I experimented with the Staedtler metallic brush pens to see what colours worked well together.  You can find these pens on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk.

Metalic Brush Pens

I chose three colours – two blues and a silver.  I started adding marks around the edges of the circles.

Metalic Brush Pens

Firstly I worked with the two blues.

Metalic Brush Pen Mark Making

I then added the silver on top.

Metalic Brush Pens Silver

Next I worked in the circles that handn’t been cut away on the left and in the middle.

Circles with Mark Making

You can see what lovely marks the brush pens create.

Close up of Mark Making

I went on to use the Staedtler drawing pencils, using the 6B, to shade within the circles on the right-hand page knowing that these are visible through the holes.  I gradated the pencil from dark to light.

Gradating Pencil

You can get these Staedtler drawing pencils on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk.

Gradating Pencil

I added more circles in pen using the Staedtler fine liners.  You can get the fine liners (Or pigment liners) on Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk.

Adding Circles with Pen

I started working into the circles with fine liner and brush pens.

Building Up Layers

Lastly, I printed some circles in green on acetate.  I cut these out and added them on.  This is what was posted but looking at this now I feel it still looks a little unfinished.  I think I may have to tickle it up a little bit more when it is returned to me!

Adding Acetate Circles

So what is Sketchbook Circle?

Sketchbook Circle, as the name suggests, is a sketchbook exchange group set up by artist-educators.  They say on their website:

“Each January a circle is established and then every artist makes work in a book of their choice (although it needs to fit through the letterbox.)  They post their books to the person next to them in the circle by the end of January.  Then every artist makes work in response to the work they have received and posts the book back to where it came from. This means that there are two in-depth artistic conversations occurring over the course of a year (it goes back and forth like a pendulum).”

If you want to follow Sketchbook Circle on social media, you can find them on Instagram @sketchbookcircle and on Twitter @sketchbkcircle

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The Arty Teacher

Sarah Crowther is The Arty Teacher. She is a high school art teacher in the North West of England. She strives to share her enthusiasm for art by providing art teachers around the globe with high-quality resources and by sharing her expertise through this blog.

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