
What is Negative Space in Art?

By The Arty Teacher - February 11, 2021

In art, negative space is the space around and between the subject of the image.  The positive space is the subject or object of the image.

Negative SpaceWhy is it important?

Negative space is important because it can help us to draw accurately and can help with creating an interesting composition.

How can negative space help us to draw accurately?

Being aware of the shapes negative space makes can help us draw. If we were drawing a pile of paper clips, it would help to notice the shapes between them.  This would help us to create an accurate drawing. See the shapes outlined in red below.

If we were drawing a chair, noticing the shapes between the legs would help us get the legs of the chair in place.  Even the shapes between the leaves of a plant can help us to create an accurate drawing.

Many artists and designers have used negative space in art to great effect and you can seem some great examples here. Notably, MC Esher, who created an object in both the positive and negative space.  Artist Cristina Troufa plays with the idea of negative space, making the clothing of the people she draws into negative space.

Art Lessons for Negative Space & Drawing

How to Teach Negative Space
Negative Space Art Lesson
Negative Space Twigs
Sphere Art Lesson

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The Arty Teacher

Sarah Crowther is The Arty Teacher. She is a high school art teacher in the North West of England. She strives to share her enthusiasm for art by providing art teachers around the globe with high-quality resources and by sharing her expertise through this blog.

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6 responses to “What is Negative Space in Art?”

  1. Maya says:

    Thank you, very elucidative.

  2. roger arriaga says:

    This is so good I guess!

    • The Arty Teacher says:

      I think so too. If a student can learn to recognise the negative space it can really help them create an accurate drawing.

  3. Leticia Sanchez says:

    Great projects!

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